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Crispy Prawn Chili Sauce


At Arashi, our selection of sauces are definitely icing on the cake. Due to extremely popular demand, we are now selling the exclusive Crispy Prawn Chili Sauce at our branches! 
It is tasty and perfect as a dipping sauce and flavoring that will get your party going any day, also make the perfect present for anyone who loves the hot, fiery taste !


在 ‪岚Arashi‬, 酱料也是一大卖点哦~ 尤其这款香港特制酱更是大家的最爱! 
循众热烈要求, #岚Arashi 独家推出【香港特制酱】, 不管是用作于烹煮的调味料或是当作沾酱都超适合的~ 香辣开胃, 送礼自用两相宜! 您, 对味了吗? 

You can now purchase this sauce at our branches, original price RM16.90 per bottle (RM14.90 member price).


每罐只需 RM16.90 (RM 14.90 会员价), 各大分行均有出售。

Copy Right 2015 - 2016 by BNX Delight Holding.

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